Dad Kids

Tips to Raising Incredible Kids

“Parents have the power to influence their children’s character and the responsibility to make it positive,” says Sherri Carden, author of the children’s series “Mocha Latte With a Dash of Chili.” “In fact, I raised my son with just two simple ideas.”

The problem is that kids will look for whatever attention they can get in order to feel like they are a part of something and important. That can mean acting like selfish jerks and holy terrors if they think it will work.

Here are Sherri’s tips to raising incredible kids:

1. Use Positive Discipline. Point out good things and create praise. This can even be a compliment to your kids for something they will (now that you’ve mentioned it) do in the future.
2. Ignore the bad and it really will go away. Don’t get stuck rehashing their mistakes to them. When kids realize that the only way they get attention is by being good, they outgrow the need to ‘act out’. You don’t have to make them guess that’s what you’re doing either, tell them what will work and what won’t with you.

About the Author:

Dr. Proactive, Randy Gilbert producer of Inside Success Radio, enjoyed learning from Sherri Carden ( when she was interviewed on The Inside Success Show. Get many more tips by enjoying the entire interview for free. Go to

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