Baby Dad Videos

Tips on Breastfeeding a Newborn

It is very important for mothers to know whether their baby is getting enough breast milk. Breastfeeding your newborn baby doesn’t always come naturally. Sometimes it takes an adjustment period for you and your little one. Breastfed babies need to be fed more frequently than formula fed ones. Formula milk is bit heavier than breast milk. Breast milk has lot of advantages for newborn right from their growth to brain development.

Watch this video to check what Dr. Wazir has to say about ‘Breastfeeding a Newborn’.

To answer your common health-related queries, Momspresso brings you a video series called ‘Tell Me Doc’ with senior doctors specializing in various fields related to child and women’s health care. We start with Dr. Sanjay Wazir, Neonatologist and Pediatrician from Cloudnine Hospitals, Gurugram on “Everything you wanted to know about newborn care”

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