Baby Dad Videos

Positive Parenting Tips: How to Support Your Baby’s Brain Development

Why are some babies early talkers? What does this mean in your baby’s brain development? And how can you support it? Today, we are here with Nicki Boyd. She will talk about the answers to these questions and tell us the one secret determining factor to your baby’s future success.

Nicki is a co-founder of a company born out of Stanford University called VersaMe, an educational app that helps with your baby’s learning development.

Talking to your children isn’t really simply just forming a bond or establishing a connection as a parent and child. Having conversations with them while they’re young also teaches them the vocabulary to communicate with others that will help them achieve a brighter future. Giving them a great foundation of language of communication of stability will sets them off on a on a good grounding for kindergarten and then beyond.

Your child doesn’t really need to be the smartest in the room for them to reach success. It’s more about optimizing the potential that they have already been given and their future will be secured.

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Tags: kids brain, baby’s first word, baby talk milestone, versame, early talkers, parenting, language acquisition, dana suskind, how to raise kids, ted talks for kids, what is success

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