Baby Dad Videos

Parents Guide to Installing Minecraft Mods

Lessons learned from an IT Professional / Father who found himself clueless and frustrated trying to install Minecraft mods for his whining kids!

Minecraft forge Download:

Magiclauncher download:

Key learnings, use Forge & MagicLauncher, and pay attention to the Minecraft Version, Forge Version, and Mod Compatibility with both Forge and Minecraft, and pray that each of the mods are actually compatible with eachother

Forge is a magic utility that auto includes any mods that are placed in the mods folder when you run Minecraft. When you are downloading mods, you will need to download teh Forge versions or Forge compatible versions of the mods.

The problem is that Forge just tries to autoinclude everything in the mods folder. Things you put in that folder may not be compatible with the version of Minecraft you are running, they may not be compatible with the version of forge you are running and they may not play well with the other mods in the folder.

To troubleshoot this, there is a utility called MagicLauncher. You can use it as your new primary way to launch Minecraft. It gives you a setup screen where you can apply different versions of Forge, and you can use checkmarks to turn on or off the mods that are in the mods folder.

When I have problems I go to setup and hit the test button. If the forge version is worng it will tell you, If the Mojang screen opens and then disappears you likely have an incompatibility between the mods you are trying to run. Uncheck all, then check one at a time, test, add another, test til you see what breaks.

Then eventually go back and move the “incompatible mods” to the UnusedMods folder and then when your kids use the standard launcher or magic launcher, it should now be dependable.

Happy trails

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