Baby Dad Videos

Parenting Advice: 10 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Having

Be sure to make it to tip #10. It’s hands down the best tip of all.

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We’ve compiled the best parenting tips to know before having a baby to help you sift through the mounds of parenting advice you’re going to get. Becoming a parent is a huge change and a lot of things you won’t fully understand until baby arrives. However, these tips and guidance will help prepare you for parenthood and that special day.

10. Do what works for you and don’t get on the internet because you can Google anything and everyone has a different opinion.
9. Get on a schedule!
8. Be sure to take time for yourself. Go to they gym, drop the baby off at grandma’s, take a 20 minute nap, etc.
7. Discover who your baby is and let them be. Don’t try to mold them to what you want.
6. Be prepared for the unexpected because it will happen.
5. You’re going to have to make room for the baby. They come with SO many things!!!
4. Memories are the only thing you’ll have after all is said and done. So be sure to make and keep some keepsakes.
3. Be grateful for your kids!
2. Don’t be too hard on yourself. The house can wait. All of the chores can wait.
1. The one thing you can’t understand and prepare for, that you’re not going to know until you experience it is all the love. Be prepared to love something more than you ever thought you could.

Relax! You’re going to do great.

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