Dad Pregnancy Videos

How To Tie An (Umbilical) Cord Tie

A Cord Tie. The perfect alternative to the hard plastic umbilical clamp, which snatches in clothing, chafes baby’s belly and is uncomfortable whilst breastfeeding.

But how to tie one? You can see this in this video. Feel free to share this with your midwife, doula or friend who is pregnant. I would love for more baby’s to wear this first accessory. Much softer and better looking too.

There are many advantages!
– Soft and flexible
– Baby & eco-friendly
– Can be placed in baby book
– Personalised
– Just as safe as a plastic clamp

– Needs more time to dry when wet. (Dry with towel or blow-dryer very carefully)

Be sure to have an eco-friendly one, with eco cotton for instance. Only one piece of string might cut the cord, dental floss is too sharp.

Please enjoy this softer alternative and share this idea!

You can crochet one yourself or buy one. If you’re in the EU we sell them from The Netherlands for E 4,- (excluding shipment costs)

Disclaimer: These are the ‘rules’ and knot in The Netherlands. Other rules/views may apply in your country. Consult with your midwife or OBGYN before making this choice. We are not responsible for your actions.

Where to buy:

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