Baby Dad Videos

How to prepare your baby for preschool

I was recently approached by a young mother of a 2.5-year-old for something ‘important’. She looked flustered and anxious so after class, I sat her down, offered her a glass of water and asked her about the problem. Turns out her 2.5-year-old is ready for preschool and she was hyperventilating for her’s is an offspring of the clingy category. I was bombarded with questions like, ‘He has never been away from me even for a second, how will he settle down in school?’, ‘He even cries when I go to the washroom. How should I tell him I won’t be with him in school?’, ‘He is not even toilet trained. What if he does the big job in school?’, ‘He wakes up very late in the morning, how will he wake up for school?’

First I asked her to calm down and then shared with her what worked for me when I was in a similar situation a few years ago.

It’s normal to be anxious before a milestone event like preschool. This is an amazing step in a child’s life and all parents want to ensure a smooth transition for their child into this great phase.

As parents here are a few things you can do to make this transition easy and fun.

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