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How To Make Your Child Learn Easily

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Do you have trouble getting your child interested in learning? Does your child struggle in some subjects but enjoys others? Do you want your child to learn in a medium and manner that suits them the most?

Welcome to Project Parenting. I’m Vidya, a psychologist & a learning and development specialist, and in this video, I’ll be explaining a simple technique that will enable and empower you to make your child enjoy learning and also teach them how to study effectively! Education can be fun!

Let’s take a closer look…

What exactly is learning and how does it happen in children?

We have so many choices out there…

So many languages to learn… so many different sports to try out… so many musical instruments to play…

But do we learn them all?

Are we curious about everything?


We only take up things that we believe we’ll be good at… or something that we’ve proven to be good at… right?

Well, the same goes for your child — their self-belief plays a key role.

What matters is how the child associates with a subject and the way they think they perform in that subject.

If a child has had a bad experience with a particular subject in the past, they may not take to it easily in the future.

Thoughts such as, “This won’t work for me” or “I won’t understand this anyway”, will run in their minds.

But at the same time…

If a child performs well in a subject or is appreciated for their knowledge of the subject, their attitude towards it will be more positive.

So how do you identify this?

As the saying goes… when you dig deep, you find gold!
So dig! Find out why your child is interested in something.

“Why don’t you like maths?”
“Do you like another subject?”
“What makes you like history and not science?”

Find out their beliefs with regard to it.

If they don’t like a subject, the next step would be to reshape their association of it! Here’s how:

a) Realign their belief:

b) Careful what you say:

c) Shift their association:

d) Is their foundation strong enough?

Here’s an acronym to help – CAR

C – Confidence, Clarity and Curiosity:

Are they confident and clear about the basics required to learn what they are about to learn?

Secondly, are they curious about the subject?

Instead of going into a purely theoretical mode, use real-life examples and scenarios to teach new concept.s

Then comes A!

A – Ability:

A lot of times, when we’re teaching children a concept, we do so in a one-way direction. We explain something and expect the child to just understand it.

After 15 minutes or 15 days, when you question them again, they’ll not be able to answer you.

This is because the child did not pick up the ability to use the knowledge gained.

So what do you do?

For example, if you’re teaching numbers, instead of just teaching 1234 methodically, see if you can ask them to draw the numbers on sand or elsewhere.

While teaching them, ask questions to understand whether the child is picking up the ability to use the knowledge in real life or is just nodding as though they are listening.

If they are not able to pick it up, go back to the subject and try a different delivery method and then gauge again if they are picking it up.

R – Repeatability

Picture this…

You teach your child Baa Baa Black Sheep and they learn it by-heart.

But one month later, in front of guests, your child is blank and you feel disappointed.

Well, it’s important to understand that every child is picking up information at a very rapid rate.

So it’s not that your child did not understand what you taught him a month ago, it’s just that they need repeatability.

Repeat it once in a while in different ways – thought writing, through songs, through drawing, etc.

Once the foundation is built very strong, the skyscraper can be built to any level.

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