Baby Dad Videos

How to boost your baby’s health (for life), and save

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Have you ever wondered how the time in your mothers womb affected your life? Were her joys and stresses shared by you? How did that 9 months impact your beliefs about life? And how will your baby’s time inside you change their future?

If you have an interest in how the prenatal period affects babies, and how to optimise your unborn baby’s wellbeing, this interview is for you.

Mothers naturally want to give their babies the best start to life. Research continues to reveal the significant effect life in the womb has on a human beings physical and psychological health. This interview with prenatal expert Julie Gerland explains how to boost pregnancy ‘love’ hormones, and help your child grow into a human being with inner confidence, strength and creativity and peace.

If you liked this video, share it now, because the future looks brighter when mothers and babies experience birth feeling loved, supported and respected.

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