Dad Pregnancy Videos

Dynamic Dads

42:47: Tips for dealing with the “terrible twos.”
45:23: Mark’s advice for new dads.
47:05: How to break poor parenting traits you may have inherited from your own dad.
48:04: Transitioning from being a couple to parents.
51:45: Advice for dads during the 9 months before birth.
54:31: Coping strategies for anger and frustration as a new parent.
57:17: How to reach out for help with your mental health.

Becoming a parent is a major developmental milestone for both men and women. It brings a significant level of biological, psychological, and relationship changes. Although health professionals educate many new parents about what these changes look like for a new mom, few people hear about a father’s transition into this new world.

With support and understanding, many men can thrive during the challenges of fatherhood. But unfortunately, most men don’t receive it. An abundance of data from the field of mental health points to a key message: Fathers are struggling and suffering with mental health difficulties at about the same rate as mothers.

As part of your April Conversations at The Royal, presented by TD, Dr. Raj Bhatla, chief of staff at The Royal, met virtually with Mark Borowiecki of the Nashville Predators and Ian Mendes of The Athletic to have a candid conversation about mental health and fatherhood.

Watch some of our past Conversations at The Royal:

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