Dad Pregnancy Videos

COVID-19 FAQ 123: Precautions by Pregnant Women?

Same as the general public.
 Frequently wash hands with soap and water (for 40-60 seconds) or clean hands with a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol (for at least 20 seconds)
Avoid touching your face (eyes/nose/mouth).
Avoid crowded spaces; avoid activities where taking protective measures may be difficult and where social distancing cannot be maintained
Maintain physical distancing
Limit interactions with people that might have been exposed to or infected with Covid-19, including people within your household, as much as possible
Always wear a mask (non medical fabric)
Practice respiratory hygiene i.e. cover mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and discard the used tissue immediately. If tissue is not available, then cough or sneeze into your sleeve
Speak to your doctor if you have any health concerns.

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