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Coronavirus: GP’s Advice for Pregnant Women

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Sky News Presenter & mama-to-be Sarah Jane Mee @skysarahjane is currently 26 weeks pregnant, expecting her first baby.

This week she interviewed GP Dr Zoe Williams to clarify the current advice for pregnant women surrounding Covid-19, also known as

Sarah Jane, who is currently self-isolating at home, conducted the interview online, looking stylish in a Seraphine maternity dress.

Read the full transcript here:

Sarah Jane: Why are pregnant women more at risk?

Dr Zoe: So far, from the evidence that we have, pregnant women are no more likely to get the infection and they’re no more likely to have the serious consequences of Covid-19. However, we know that pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, can affect your immune system and many women can be more vulnerable to getting unwell with viruses. So, although this doesn’t seem to be the case so far with coronavirus, because we know so little about it, it’s really a case of taking additional precautions. But the reassuring this is that so far with coronavirus we’re not seeing that pregnant women are more likely to run into the serious consequences.

Sarah Jane: Is there a greater risk depending on what stage of pregnancy you’re at?

Dr Zoe: Beyond 28 weeks, what we call the third trimester, the interference that pregnancy can have on your immune system is more likely. But there’s an added note – although pregnant women and young healthy people are very unlikely to get the serious consequences of Covid-19, a small number do, and if a woman is pregnant in the third trimester and she does require ventilation, it can be very difficult and very complicated. So, there are just a couple of reasons why women in the third trimester need to be a little more cautious.

Sarah Jane: Are newborns particularly vulnerable? Do we need to self-isolate with them & for how long?

Dr Zoe: So far, the evidence tells us that newborns are not a vulnerable group – they are not more likely to get difficulties with Covid-19. Which is really good news, because obviously with newborns we wrap them up in cotton wool and we protect them from everything, and of course we should still do that, but they are not vulnerable. So, let’s annihilate that anxiety that many new mothers will have. But it is important to say that everybody wants to come and visit when you have a newborn and at the moment, for a number of reasons, to protect the newborn but also to protect the people visiting and everybody else, unfortunately, no visitors allowed.

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