Baby Dad Videos

Artificial feeding of your newborn baby: Tips for new parents

Adequate nutrition during infancy and early childhood is essential to minimize the risk of illness and maximize their growth and development. Warmth, normal breathing, mother’s milk, and prevention of infection are the basic needs of a normal baby at birth. Inappropriate feeding practices contribute up to a third of all cases of child malnutrition.

Thus, team DigiQure visited Dr. Asad Khan, a leading Paediatrician from Koh-e-Fiza, Bhopal. Dr. Asad holds an extensive background in infant and child care for around a decade. He has held many prominent positions at various hospitals and institutes in Patiala, New-Delhi and Bhopal. In this video, Dr. Asad gives very insightful tips to new parents about artificial feeding. So, all the new Moms and Dads this video is a must-watch for you!

At DigiQure we are trying to create a union network of the best healthcare practitioners across central India. You will find doctors with over 44years of experience. We wanted to leverage this wisdom for the common masses, so we visited each of the specialist doctors and talked to them about the common concerns. With the series “Sehat ki Paathshala” we at DigiQure will try to cover all those topics with help of our expert Doctors.

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