Dad Kids

Advice On Raising Kids Without Them Falling Into Religion |


00:00 Intro And Announcements
05:19 What If I’m Wrong?
07:21 Stephen-OR | What Aspects Of Religion Do You Miss?
18:58 Ahmad-(SY) | Slavery Is A Deterrent To War…
35:39 Daniel-NY | If God Didn’t Create Everything, What Did?
45:02 Penelope-OK | How Does Spiritual Health Translate To Atheists?
51:07 Hunter-NC | Advice On Raising Kids Without Them Falling Into Religion
1:01:36 Moldred-NY | Uhh, Kink Is Not Slavery…
1:04:51 William-MA | Matt Is Wrong About God’s Morality
1:15:56 Jacob-(UK) | Why Would My JW Family Disown Me?
1:25:53 Zaman-(IN) | Why Don’t You Believe In God?
1:41:14 Outro


Hello all you atheists (and theists) out there! Today’s AXP Matt Dillahunty is joined by Shannon Q. Glad to have Shannon back in the co-host chair!

Our first caller, Stephen in OR asks if there are any aspects of religion that we miss? There isn’t much of anything we miss, we have been building a community. If anything, we miss the relationships with believing family/friends. It was nice to not have those religious arguments. We are appreciative in everything we gained since, looking at the universe without the lens of religion is amazing.

Ahmad in Syria says that slavery in Islam is perfectly logical. Arguing that you can’t start a war, and if someone does then you can take them as your slave. There is no justification to own people, full stop. Keeping a slave as a deterrent to war/battle is not moral, they started it is not a justification to keep slaves.

Daniel in NY asks if god didn’t create everything, then what did? I don’t know, is a perfectly acceptable answer. Claiming to know takes away the motivation to keep looking for the answer.
Daniel goes on to ask if consciousness exists after death, there is no good evidence for that. There isn’t even consciousness that exists outside of our brains.

Penelope in OK asks how “spiritual health” translates over to atheists, she read that overall health is affected by this “spiritual” health. We would know how it’s defined and what metrics they use, spirituality is a useless term.

Hunter in NC doesn’t believe but is a soon to be father with religious family and a Muslim girlfriend. He worries his child will fall in these religious trappings. You need to have discussions on how you are going to raise your child. Teaching them critical thinking is a good way to stave off indoctrination. Keep the conversation on raising the child, not your religious differences.

Moldred in NY argues that owing people is morally correct if they volunteer. BDSM slave relationships are not about owning people as property, that’s just kink.

William in MA says that Matt is getting god’s morality wrong, he is too focused on the smaller picture. The god of the bible sanctions slavery… God’s wrath is abated by Jesus??? Aren’t they the same and never changing? Jesus didn’t come to fix things, he never changed the rules about slavery or changed views on the worth of women.

Jacob in The UK was disowned by his Jehovah Witness family for talking to an apostate. Shunning is a way to force people into adherence through fear. We agree, an all loving god wouldn’t do that. Check into they help with religious harm, not deconversion. Also look into ex JW communities.

Lastly, Zaman in India asks why we don’t believe. We don’t see good evidence for anything supernatural. Personal revelation doesn’t equal truth. We can’t have the experience you had, you need to demonstrate you are correct.

Thanks for tuning in, we are so glad you joined us today. Please follow safety guidelines and wear your mask!

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The Atheist Experience is a weekly call-in television show in Austin, Texas geared at a non-atheist audience. The Atheist Experience is produced by the Atheist Community of Austin.

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Shelley Segal “Saved”
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