Dad Pregnancy Videos

9th month Pregnancy tips

The commonest symptom in 9th month of pregnancy acid reflux, that means after eating whenever the patient lies done, there is some acid coming up in the throat, and patient feels burning sensation, breathlessness, she is restless. Many at times we tell these patients to have early dinner at night and have something like cold milk before going to sleep . Sometimes if the patient is very uncomfortable we tell the patient to sleep in the sitting position for 2 to 3 hours and then lie down completely flat. Another common symptom in pregnancy is lightening. Here what happens is the head which is still now floating, around 8 and half months of pregnancy, starts getting engaged, and when the head is getting engaged, that is lower down in the pelvis, she feels pressure on the bladder and rectum. So there is a frequent urination urge in the night and she is not able to sleep well. Sometimes she feels pressure on the rectum also because the head has lowered down in the pelvis.

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