Dad Pregnancy Videos

7th week of Pregnancy

Le’Nest launches a New Series for the Pregnant Women – 40 Tips to 40 Weeks.

In this series , renowned Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr. Mukesh Gupta talks about 40 very important & crucial tips that can help you have a healthy, happy & safe journey of Pregnancy.

Here’s the Tip for the 7th Week of Pregnancy – ” In Pregnancy Eat Smart Not More” The very first things that comes to any pregnant women’s mind is Nutrition. Yes , Good Nutrition is very important for the mother & the child. But does good nutrition mean eating a lot of food or eating for 2 people?? Well NO. In pregnancy you DO NOT NEED TO EAT MORE BUT EAT SMARTLY. You need to eat good, nutritious , healthy food instead of too much & excessively high calorie food. For more watch the complete video.

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