Dad Parents Videos

10 things NOT to say to Parents of kids with

This week’s mental health tips are 10 things NOT to say to parents of kids with Autism.

I’m sure she’ll outgrown it.
Maybe you’re just not reading to him enough?
She’s can’t be autistic because she can speak and make eye contact!
God doesn’t give us more than we can handle.

It’s not true. 1 Corinthians 10:13  is often taken out of context, speaking to the fact that God will not let you be tempted more than you can bear, and when you are tempted he will show you a way out. This has nothing to do with the fact that we WILL face things in life that are more than we can handle, that’s why we need God to give us strength, we need friends and family to support us, and we need medical professionals to share the wisdom that they have learned.

I’ve heard you can cure autism. Maybe try going gluten free!
He seems perfectly normal to me!
My kids have social issues too.
Maybe you just need to have more consistent discipline?
What do you think caused it?
She doesn’t respond when I talk to her. Maybe she’s deaf. Have you checked her hearing?

Not all Autism is the same, and neither is every child with Autism. This is the very reason it’s called Autism Spectrum Disorder. If you and you’re family are not facing this diagnosis keep your unsolicited advice to yourself and just be a friend. Ask about their children just as any friend would. And remember what it says in Luke 6:31…


Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31 (NIV)


If you or a family member has an autism diagnosis, what would you add to the list? Comment below, I’d love to hear from you.

And a big thank you to His Heart Foundation for supporting this channel. If you want more in-depth mental health information for you and those you love check out today.

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Special Notes:

I am so grateful to Licensed Mental Health Counselor Joshua Moore  who helped me with information for this series as well as the amazing website

Recommended Reading for Kids and Parents:

The Asperkid’s (Secret) Book of Social Rules: The Handbook of Not-So-Obvious Social Guidelines for Tweens and Teens with Asperger Syndrome 

Autism Empowerment

Spectrum Life Magazine

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