Category: Videos

Dad Parents Videos


Here is how I cope with 2 under 2 + some top tips for parents with young kids. Having 2 children under 2 years old is challenging. It’s been a big learning curve for us but we finally feel like things are getting a bit more manageable! If you liked …
Dad Parents Videos

Tips To Support Parents and Children With Online Learning

When schools close, moving to an online learning platform for distance learning can be daunting. This video shares a range of tips and advice to support parents and children with the transition. There are many ways that you can get prepared and this video is a great way to start. …
Dad Parents Videos

How to Hold a Baby

Learning how to hold a baby may be easier than you think. New parents are often nervous and anxious about holding a newborn. In this video, Jason provides 6 examples on how to hold a baby. From the football hold to the reverse belly hold, new parents will receive step …
Dad Parents Videos

Snoop Dogg’s Parenting Advice for Deion

Deion and acclaimed rapper, Snoop Dogg, sit down to have a heart-to-heart about Shilo’s passion for music and lack of interest in football. When it comes to encouraging their kids’ talent, Snoop has some sage advice for his friend, Deion. For more on #DEIONSFAMILYPLAYBOOK, visit Find OWN on TV …
Dad Parents Videos

How parents and students can prepare for the new school

CBS News senior medical correspondent Dr. Tara Narula and Lisa Damour, psychologist and CBS News contributor, discuss how parents can talk to their kids about the pandemic and offer guidance on the best practices for children going back to school. Each weekday morning, “CBS This Morning” co-hosts Gayle King, Anthony …
Dad Parents Videos

Smart Hacks for Parents || Parenting Tips, Tricks and DIY

Hey Gotchers! Our parents have amassed endless life hacks and tips, but a few more clever hacks will always come in handy. Stay tuned and don’t miss how to be the coolest parent by Gotcha! If you enjoyed this video, you might also like “SNEAK FOOD INTO JAIL || How …
Dad Parents Videos


Hey Gotchers! We gathered the best life hacks which you can use in your family. Check out our new video to see smart tips and crafts for parents. Stay tuned for more awesome parenting hacks and funny situations by Gotcha! If you enjoyed this video, you might also like “TRYING …