Category: Videos

Dad Pregnancy Videos

Can You Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding?

You might have heard people say that breastfeeding is a great natural contraceptive and wondered if it is true. While many women do not menstruate while they are breastfeeding, this does not mean that they are not fertile during this time. So you may be wondering – can you get …
Dad Pregnancy Videos

Children interrupt BBC News interview

Please subscribe to BBC News here: There was an unexpected distraction for Professor Robert Kelly when he was being interviewed live on BBC News about South Korea. But he managed to keep his composure and complete the interview successfully. Please subscribe here: World In Pictures Big Hitters …
Dad Pregnancy Videos

“I Accidentally Got A Single Mom Pregnant

Coach Greg Adams – Podcaster: Free Agent Lifestyle Podcast | YouTube: CoachGregAdams | Founder: Adams Fit System | Author: Free Agent Lifestyle | Divorce Coach | Award Winning, Competitive Impromptu Speaker | Former College Basketball Coach | C.S.C.S., M.S FLASH COACHING AVAILABLE: Full Question: Hello Coach Greg, My name …
Baby Dad Videos

Best Baby Quotes

Babies are adorable and baby quotes are the best way to express your feelings about them. Here are some beautiful baby quotes for you. #BabyQuotes #BestBabyQuotes Like, comment, and share with Your family and friends. FirstCry Parenting helps you through your journey of Getting Pregnant, Pregnancy & Parenting. Happy Parenting! …
Baby Dad Videos

Tips For New Dads In The Delivery Room

These tips for new dads in the delivery cover important things for dads to focus on. The process of labor is certainly not easy for the woman and our job as dads is to support mom. Allowing her to focus on the birth of the baby and what she needs …
Dad Pregnancy Videos

Tips To Get Pregnant-1| Have Proper Physical Relationship

Tips To Get Pregnant-1 | Have Proper Physical Relationship | Dr Sita * To book a direct consultation with Dr Sita at the hospital, call 0487 2342795/2342477 between 10:30 AM and 6:00 PM. ( Devikripa, Urakam, Thrissur) * To book an online consultation, send a WhatsApp message to my secretary …
Dad Pregnancy Videos


hey everyone I wanted to make this new series “Military Monday” to help get more info out there regarding common questions and concerns when being a military spouse, I’m definitely no expert but I want to share my knowledge and my advice and hope it helps someone out there I …