Month: March 2023

Dad Kids

Raising A Child with SPD || Tip #1 : Patience

We have two children with Sensory Processing/Integration Disorders; I hope my experiences can help you. ↓↓ If you are looking for helpful products, please check the link below (these are affiliate links) ↓↓ The links below are affiliate links and I earn a small commission if you make a purchase …
Dad Pregnancy Videos


Hey y’all! I’ve been getting a ton of questions asking how I conceived our rainbow baby so quickly! What did we use? What did I take? In this video, I answer all of these questions! I hope you find this video helpful and baby dust to all those who are …
Baby Dad Videos

Being a New Dad – 10 Things I Wish I

Here we discuss 10 things I wish I knew before I became a dad and give some tips for new dads. Our course for expectant dads is live and can be found here:​ Join our private Discord community for new/expectant dads: Thanks to our sponsor Nanit for making …
Baby Dad Videos

Eva Longoria Gets Parenting Tips from Will Ferrell

After Eva Longoria tells James and Will Ferrell about the experience of carrying her first child, the two offer some parenting advice — including the long-term effects of kids peeing outdoors — and work with Eva to come up with a name for her boy. More Late Late Show: Subscribe: …
Dad Kids

Amy Carney

As parents, we want to raise caring, hardworking and generous children. In this My 411 episode of My Home Group TV, Host Catherine Anaya talks to Amy Thomas Carney, author of Parent on Purpose. Carney offers her 5 tips for raising grounded children. View source by clicking here.
Baby Dad Videos

Why Attachment Parenting Matters

Dr. Siegel’s books on parenting, such as The Whole-Brain Child, No-Drama Discipline, and The Power of Showing Up, offer practical tips for helping parents foster a secure attachment with their children. By using the principles of “attachment theory”, parents can learn to better understand their children’s emotions and needs, and …