Month: December 2021

Baby Dad Videos

Welcome to Warwick: Advice for Parents and Families of New

Sending a student off to University is a big moment. Our Director of Wellbeing and Safeguarding explains how we will support them with their transition once they arrive, and shares some tips for parents on how they can help support them too. The University of Warwick is focused on uncovering …
Dad Kids

Parenting Teenagers Advice | Tips for Parenting Teens – Parenting teenagers is both an art and a science with a little bit of luck thrown in. Your employees who are parents of teenagers will appreciate the education, awareness, and common sense information found in this training program. This training top gives you a educational program you can …
Dad Pregnancy Videos

What do DADS know about pregnancy & babies?

In honor of Father’s Day, Nurse Dani asks dads some of the top questions that she gets asked by moms 🙂 Be sure to wish a HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to the wonderful dads you know! Visit Intermountain Moms on: Facebook – Instagram – View source by clicking here.
Dad Kids

Tips For Raising Teens In A Ungodly World

A video request. Scriptures: Deuteronomy 6:7; Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4; Proverbs 23:13; Proverbs 29:15; Colossians 3:21 The book “Silly Woman That Ain’t Your Husband” is available for purchase on,,, and #TheresaHornes #SillyWomanThatAintYourHusband #SWTAYH Contact Information: Website: Facebook: Email: SWTAYH Tee Shirt, Pullover, Mug …
Dad Kids

Stay sun smart this winter

Sun protection is important all year round, including after the snow fallsLearn why sun protection is just as important during the winter. Read More View source article.
Dad Pregnancy Videos

Pregnancy Tips : How to Sleep While Pregnant

To sleep while pregnant, stay in positions on the back or on the side during the early trimesters, and start sleeping only on the side during later trimesters to increase blood flow to the baby. Sleep safely and soundly while pregnant with tips from a gynecologist and obstetrician in this …
Dad Kids

Monica and Tinu: Mental Health, Relationships, Raising Teens, Covid, and

Explicitly Sick A Disability Podcast on Invisible Not Broken Chronic illness Podcast Network Elizabeth Gilbert and Tim Ferris Elizabeth Gilbert TED Talk on Mental Health and COVID Watchmen and Tulsa Massacre Lovecraft Country and Jim Crow A few topics we Tinu and Monica Michelle covered: Black Hair Care and chronic …