Month: September 2021

Baby Dad Videos

Parents’ Guide to Standing Independently

When does baby first start standing without support? It’s different for every baby depending on their motor skills, but baby will usually start standing independently between 9 and 12 months old—but just for a second or two! As baby learns more about walking, their standing skills will improve too. Can …
Dad Pregnancy Videos

UK updates health advice for pregnant women

A UK vaccine authority has released new advice recommending women who are pregnant should be offered a COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as the rest of the population. Data from the US shows approximately 900,000 pregnant woman who received a Pfizer or Moderna vaccine did not raise any health …
Dad Parents Videos


Many parents have experienced that unpleasant situation when they realize their child’s behavior has changed, but they can’t understand where the problem came from. We at Bright Side have found some answers that all parents will be able to learn something from. Other videos you might like: 8 Lessons You …
Baby Dad Videos

A Parent’s Guide To Biomarkers For Autism, March 28th 2013

There is a lot of interest in the development of a biomarker for autism that could predict autism risk, assist in diagnosis, or even provide targets for possible treatment options. This presentation will walk you through the status of current biomarker research, providing realistic assessments of how biomarkers could be …