Month: August 2021

Baby Dad Videos

First Time Mom Newborn Tips: HOW TO BURP A NEWBORN

BABY GASSY and FRUSTRATED? Wondering HOW TO SOOTHE A COLICKY BABY? You will learn several techniques for HOW TO BURP A NEWBORN BABY and HOW TO RELIEVE GAS FOR BABIES. Learning how to take care of a newborn can be challenging and nobody likes seeing their baby uncomfortable. But, gas …
Baby Dad

100 Popular Norwegian Last Names Or Surnames With Meanings

Image: Shutterstock Norway has a unique naming pattern. In ancient times, it consisted of three parts – given name, patronym, and address. But as society evolved, so did the Norwegian naming scheme to feature fixed surnames. Some of the most common surnames ended with ‘-sen,’ or ‘-son,’ ‘-datter’ or ‘-dotter,’ …