Month: August 2021

Baby Dad Videos

Weird Advice Pregnant Couples Get

Here’s a tip: don’t listen to anyone. Check out more awesome BuzzFeedYellow videos! MUSIC Pizzicato Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. SFX provided by Audioblocks.  ( Made by BFMP + Justin Abarca as The Guy Elizabeth Triplett as The Girl With Stacy Rumaker as The Grocery Lady …
Dad Pregnancy Videos

5 tips to ensure healthy sperm

Want to make sure you have good swimmers? Dr. Jesse Mills, director of the Men’s Clinic at UCLA, offers five tips for men who want to ensure their sperm is at optimal health. These are things men can do before they even have to go see a doctor. So be …
Dad Kids

Parenting Tips

Parenting Tips | Avoid raising an entitled child, 5 strategies that really work We’ve all known kids (maybe even in our own families) who feel entitled to have things go their way, who expect the best of life without rolling up their sleeves and for whom gratitude is not a …
Dad Parents Videos

Parenting Advice : How to Parent a Highly Sensitive Child

We talk to family therapist and social worker – Talya Ressel about raising a highly sensitive child. Facebook | @expressoshow.sabc3 | Twitter | @expressoshow | Instagram | @expressoshow | Pinterest | @expressomorning | Snapchat | @expressoshow | Website | View source by clicking here.