Month: February 2021

Dad Health

Everything you need to know about menstrual cups: A primer and FAQ

Photo, Erik Putz. The average woman uses a mind-boggling 11,000 pads and tampons in her life. As a result, approximately 20 billion disposable menstrual products—most of which contain plastic that won’t biodegrade for hundreds of years—get dumped into landfills annually. If the idea of your period products outliving you makes …
Dad Parents Videos

18 Things Great Parents Do Differently

What are some things great parents do differently? What traits do good parents have in common? While no parent is perfect, generally speaking, those who practice exceptional parenting skills have certain traits and habits in common. And more importantly, they strive to be a role model to their children. Parenting …
Dad Parents Videos

The Most Important Parenting Advice

Gary and Hannah Monahan get into a conversation about how parents can actually learn about the modern world from their kids, and that it is not always the other way around. They also get into a conversation on how they believe parents should support kids who do no excel in …
Dad Pregnancy Videos

PRACTICAL 2nd Trimester Pregnancy Information

#24weekbump #2ndTrimester #secondtrimester #Pregnancy PRACTICAL 2nd Trimester Pregnancy Information Subscribe to my email list for giveaways and new blogs/video notifications: LINKS as promised: Books: Ina May’s Guide to Child Birth: HypnoBirthing: Meditation App: Squatty Potty (a cute one): Yoga Blocks: Filtered Water Bottle: …